“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

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The World's Best Storyline

Hi there! You've landed on my author's site. Thank you for staying here long enough to at least catch a glimpse of something on it. You might find a storyline or two somewhere (...most likely in the blogs...). Hopefully, though, regardless - you'll stick around long enough to give some good thought to what you read here.... And if - when you've read all the offerings here - you'd like to read another true storyline, you are likely to find one now and again if you come back.

And if - when you've read something of value, and you'd like to share your musings, there is a Comments section available for them....

Sound like an invitation? It is!

An exceptional storyline

So, for those of you who don't know (and that would be almost all of you), I'm just starting out as a book author, and my goal is that readers of my books will find value in many personal stories illustrating The LORD God's great love for us all. Stories highlighting the wonderful comfort and hope only He can offer us during times of duress.

But even more than that. I want also to showcase His breathtaking concern for our wellbeing in every single circumstance: in our sickness and health, our heartaches and pleasures, our sleepless nights and our best days ever.

To me, the best kind of storyline is all about God's activity in our lives. About His holy Spirit's moving among us, convicting the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment, comforting us, guiding us, and interceding for us. About His Son's coming down from His life of glory to live here among us, showing us how to live well, taking our sins upon Him as He died on our behalf, being buried in a tomb for three days to prove His death, and rising again to demonstrate to the entire world that God reigns - not death.

Describing the scenario, laying out the events, and sharing the thoughts behind decisions... and showing by Whom it all connects together - that's the "author's" task. That's become this author's job.

There is so very much available to us when we get serious about Almighty God. How many of us know this? I do. I've come to see that my (eternal) soul gets healthier, wiser, and more joyful even as my (temporary) physical body gets more and more worn out. Like Mama said, "My knees are old, but I'm not!"

By no means did this puzzling truth originate with me, though.... The apostle Paul said as much in his second letter to the believers in Corinth, way back in the same century that Jesus walked on earth as one of us: "That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day." [4:16]

In my opinion, the greatest storyline an author can possibly pen is one that magnifies the name and honor and power of The Lord God Almighty. So this is what I strive to do in my writing. 

Of course, God -- the Creator, Provider, Sustainer, Guide, Guardian, Refuge, and Friend (aka Shepherd) of our souls -- has written the ultimate storyline. We who share what He's written, and expound on His graciousness from our limited perspective are not really authors, per se, but mere essayists. 

So yeah, I've begun a journey of writing books and in that sense (because of my sharing original content in my own voice), I can call myself an author. But when it comes to sharing the truth about Christ Jesus within my authored book(s), I'll happily refer to myself as an essayist.

God's storyline gives comfort and hope in the midst of insurmountable circumstances. He has written the superb ending for His characters - whether they suffer from life-threatening illness, abuse, lost dreams, addiction, heartache, or another trial. I've read His book, and I am SOOOO thankful for His persistence in sharing His unparalleled wisdom with us.

May we all seek Him with our whole hearts!