“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

You're Here to Contact Me? Great News!

You are here to contact me? Thank you! I'm so glad you've decided to drop me a line.

Whether they are positive or negative in nature, I want to know your thoughts concerning this site, my work, my story. The thing I ask of you, though, is that they (your written thoughts) be sincere and candidly spoken. There's enough hypocrisy in the world already - let's please not add to it here. 

If you have a criticism and I agree with your analysis, I will be about fixing my error, fault, etc., and with a thankful heart that you brought it to my attention. 

And if you have an uplifting word, I will be about evaluating its merits and (where appropriate) letting it encourage me in the Lord.

So either way, thanks in advance! :)


What's on your mind?

If you swung by here to put your copy of An Almighty God? Get Serious! on hold, you need swing no further. :) 

aag-tog cover

You can preorder it here or at B & N online, in hardcover or paperback. If you're looking for the Kindle version of the eBook, it's at Amazon, while the Nook version of the eBook is available at Barnes & Noble online right now. You will soon be able to find An Almighty God? Get Serious! (Darlene Lamoureux [yours truly])/Trophies of Grace (Karen Hanson) at selected bookstores and retailers. I'll let you know as events unfold.... and you let us know what you think!

I want to remind you all, too, that simply by purchasing a copy of our book, you join Karen and me in our endeavor to spread the word of God to others and to help people gain their freedom from modern-day slavery, which often entails the horrific evil practice of selling people for profit , known as human trafficking. A fixed portion of every book purchase (37.5% of the profit) will be evenly distributed among our three carefully selected organizations!! 

Thank you for your partnership!!

small pile of salt

Go ahead - be salty

I can listen to your salty rhetoric when you contact me, as long as it's not without any love....

Like Jesus Himself told His followers: Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.”  ~Mark 9:50 (ESV)

Jesus was making a comparison between a facet of our spiritual life and an element of our natural world. Super comparison, too, don't you think? It sure helps me get a clearer understanding of my role as part of God's family.

Did you know that salt can be one of the most beneficial (yes, beneficial) nutrients for your ability to enjoy good health?  

It's true, and I'm basing my claim upon two things:

1) the words of my Lord Jesus Christ, when He compares believers to salt and encourages us to be salt worthy of our calling, and 

2) the science about salt found in many places - shared here by pharmaceutical and medical expert Michael Jessimy, writer for Natural Food Series:

  1. healthy digestion (via its makeup of sodium and chloride ions), 
  2. facilitating body movement (by helping to propagate the transmission of electrical impulses from the nerves to the muscles), 
  3. supporting heart health (through its help in transmitting electrical impulses), 
  4. rehydration (by helping to regulate electrolyte balance), 
  5. helps reduces diabetes risk (by supporting insulin's role), 
  6. promotes good oral health (by clearing excessive bacteria and assisting to whiten teeth), 
  7. improves respiratory health (with its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic properties), 
  8. can decrease appetite (through ingestion as a simple, unembellished food, by satisfying a salt craving, currently thought to be reflective of a nutrient need we have on a cellular level),
  9. useful as a cheap, yet excellent, exfoliant (by removing debris from cells and killing bacteria that cause acne),
  10. helps remove toxins (with its apparent ability to diffuse toxins from the blood to a salt solution via soaking...feet, for example), 
  11. support normal blood pressure (in conjunction with potassium, to help balance electrolytes),
  12. helps prevent iodine deficiency (as standardly enriched with iodine today),
  13. helps maintain normal blood pH,
  14. helps normalize cholesterol,
  15. can improve skin condition (by relieving inflammation and itching associated with conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, as well as discouraging bacterial infection in wounds).

Remember, though - all things in moderation.  :)

Contact me here:


I've got stops in place, to avoid unsolicited mail, so please include in your subject line, followed with three digits (317) to let me know you have visited my contact page, okay?