“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

What Do You Believe about the 2020 Election?

The latest presidential election in the United States is a very hot topic! Hot, because so many people - American voters, gun owners, business owners, parents, medical personnel, honest journalists, farmers, and other citizens/inhabitants - are deeply concerned about the resulting state of affairs. And hot, because the world feels like what many would call Hell right now.

How do we know that our votes... that the will of We The People (who are by law a self-governing citizenry) has been duly granted? Was there fraud in our election process? Have the American people been cheated of their votes?

If so, how do we find out the truth? What can be done to remedy a wrong situation of this magnitude? Where do we go from here?

Discovering the truth about our election

Following is an excellent video showing actual data and camera footage that explains very clearly how that fraud took place. Incredibly, this and similar videos have been made because information is simply banned from most venues when it doesn't conform to the narrative being given by the main stream news outlets (TV, web sites, social media, and print newspapers/magazines). And, strangely... the main stream media tends to mimic one another and follow leads provided to them by "someone" with a controlling influence.

When you watch it, be sure you understand what is being said so you will really know what you know.... Remember, you can pause, rewind, and restart the video at any point so you will not miss any key information given. 

Then, share the video with others! We need to stick together in finding the truth about our election - agree?

What about election integrity?

OK, let's take the 2020 presidential election, which is huge for us, agreed? Are you Republican? Are you Democrat? Independent?

It doesn't really matter at all what political basket we put our eggs into... if you doubt the veracity of our nation's election for the most influential (and thus, most powerful) office in the land, you can't be sure of any of our country's elections.

How could any voter have true confidence in an election result that presents symptoms of being skewed... or worse, covertly rigged?? We all want fair and reliable elections, and for that we must have an election process which is transparent. No fiddling around with the computers - hardware, software, transmissions, whatever! No slacking on the chain of custody! No one-hand-washes-the-other agreements among politicians and election officials!

Yes, election laws were broken by extremely zealous Governors, Secretaries of State, and local election officials. Will we let them get away with this treason? 

If We The People understand what's at stake here, we also understand that we have no choice but to fix our broken election system. As long as it remains corrupted, we can never have valid elections because our votes won't count.

Cheaters gonna cheat.

But if cheaters win "elections," voters lose. 

Every Christian voter should care about election integrity since it is much, much easier to worship God in peace and safety when those who hate Christians are not in command of our physical lives. 

Of course, there are alternatives to societies with free elections

Here is a film, published in 1946, that taught citizens (especially young people) the difference between democracy and despotism. Despotism is a word that denotes a kind of which government in which one person or a small group of individuals enjoy absolute power. It doesn't take long for a despotic government to become corrupt. Having no one powerful enough to keep him or her (or them, in the case of a group) in check, the leader rules with absolute authority - leaving no room for disagreement. To say it's not a good situation is a severe understatement.

Do you currently see any signs of despotism in our country? Alarming, isn't it - is it too late to save our nation??

Things we can do to fix our election mess

Do you know how much power you have? You, my friend - as an American citizen who votes - are part of the governing force of this great nation. You have the irrefutable, ironclad right to ask for a full forensic audit of any election that seems to have validity issues. We all do. 

We The People are the government in the United States of America. And the way we do the governing is by electing people we've decided to trust, to work as our representatives as choices are being made about matters which affect us as a whole nation, as a state, or as a local community.

Our freedom as a nation is a gift from The LORD, and I personally believe He expects us (as a free nation) to help others to be free. (So, help us, God...please!)

Does this mean I think we should police the world?

No, it doesn't mean I think that at all. It means we who are enjoying the freedom to speak, act, and plan for ourselves owe it to our fellow citizens in this world to teach that same freedom - which all people have been given by the Creator, but which most throughout the world have lost through the fraudulent activities of power-hungry elitists.

Teaching freedom might be in the form of the verbal conveyance of knowledge, yes, but it also shows up in other ways - such as demonstrating what being a free society looks like (hopefully at its best) or stepping in to help stop obvious aggressors who are making verified advances against freedom. 

What exactly does that look like? Well..., let's ask for (and faithfully receive) God's guidance. Seek (and sincerely find) God's will. And knock - constantly - at the Door (remember Who is "the door"?). We'll know, then, how to perform each necessary task.

As individual Americans, we have more strength and power when we band together in a common goal. As a Christian, I believe we have even more strength and power when we are united in a common faith - that faith which sustained and led our nation's founding fathers.

So, for instance, if we want to make change in a system gone awry (such as a corrupted election process), we need to come together as one person, so to speak, and concentrate our joint efforts on correcting the problem.

How, though? I mean, what measures can a group of us take that will have an impact? It's a good question, and important - because we don't want to waste our efforts, and we're not looking for pretended results.

First, it takes a leader with an idea. Maybe it's an idea to create a petition; maybe it's to contact representatives in Congress. 

Perhaps it's to campaign to become one of those representatives. The idea might be to drum up some financial or moral support for the cause; or maybe it's to make a graphic or a thoughtful video to post on social media.  

Whatever the idea, it needs to be expedient for the problem you're trying to solve.

The leader doesn't necessarily have to come up with the idea. The idea can come from anywhere - an insightful person, a previously successful effort, the Internet....

A leader leads. He or she takes an idea believed to be an effective path-point, and begins to take tangible steps toward accomplishing the objective behind the plan.

Where did the plan come from? Almost anywhere. (Just make sure it's a good plan that is both relevant and right in God's eyes.) A little research of the problem, along with some personal and/or group brainstorming will help you firm up your resolve.

And finally, take those necessary action steps you've been envisioning. With faith and prayer, you will move mountains. 

With a group of likeminded, Christ-centered patriots, you'll move those mountains with Jesus there in your midst.