“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

Music to Help You Focus Your Attention on Some Really Important Stuff

Hey, you want to see/hear something awesome? And I mean by that, awe inspiring...amazing to the point of awe...and absolutely delightful to witness. This man, Eldridge, sings four-part harmony -- with himself! I have a personal friend with this talent and passion, too, and it's amazing to me!! God has blessed them in special ways, hasn't He!

Jesus is coming back!!

Please note: the video below plays from a platform (Air.TV) which is in the business of streaming content (playing a continuous stream of unrelated videos in order to gain consumers) - some of which may be offensive to viewers. 

My recommendation then is to simply close the page on which the video plays when it is finished.... You've got this!  :)

Study the Word of God daily.

SONG: Truth Be Told (Matthew West)

SONG: Mean Girls (Leanna Crawford)

Turn your volume up for this one! 

There was Jesus (song):