“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

About DW Lamoureux

Welcome! Thanks for stopping in!

You are here, I guess, to learn something more about me (DW). Hence, this page.

Suffice it to say I am a follower of Christ Jesus, who is my Lord and Savior. I've written a nonfiction memoir of sorts, with the purpose of sharing with the reader what I see throughout Scripture as well as in ordinary lives: the committed, dynamic love that our Creator demonstrates to each of us constantly, in the hopes that we – with our freedom to choose our own destinies – will choose Him.

A little more about me

On April 17, 1991 I was diagnosed with a rather large brain tumor, which had been causing strange symptoms with my vision and hearing, and which had begun to interfere with my daily life (including my job as a preschool teacher). I don't know whether these would have happened eventually anyway (I'd venture to say, ummm...probably!), but after the diagnosis and a dose or two of medication which was meant to reduce swelling, I started to experience excruciating headaches that made me feel weak and have a sense of general malaise for about a few hours.

I remember calling out sick several times and then, after sleeping a little, call back in with the good (as I saw it, anyway) news that I was feeling better and could now come in to work. Not so fast, there, Little Lady.... 

Go ahead. Now look at this scenario from the employer's point of view....

"Ohhhhhh, you're feeling up to coming in now? That's wonderful! Did you get to take a good nap? OK, well, I'm so happy for you. Let's see, your substitute can get lunches ready for the kids, and after everything's cleaned up, I'll send her home and you can come in. Sound good?"

(It's all right. You can laugh.) Fortunately, my Director wasn't snide like that, but she had to be wondering about my game, wouldn't you imagine? 

I don't even think it occurred to me how any of this would look, though, until she just told me, point blank, one time that I couldn't call out sick and then simply expect to come in for work when I felt like coming in. That employment doesn't work that way.

But she proved to remain the friend that God had blessed me with some 2 years prior - beginning with our job interview, developing as we assembled cribs and high chairs for the new program, and extending through the ups and downs of working with parents and their most prized treasures.

Liz would see me through many more challenges as time presented them.

So back to the health problem....

By April 23, that grapefruit-sized growth was being removed from my left occipital lobe, where it had made itself at home for who knows how long. Long story short, the God of heaven and earth - Creator who knows my DNA and everything connected to it - saved my life via the hands of extremely talented, skillful doctors and their extensive understanding of neurological science.

Almighty God choreographed a network of friends, church family, co-workers, medical personnel, hospital administration, health insurance, hospital attendants and various staff, state-of-the-art equipment, my employer, my immediate family, ....

The result of several symptoms, several surgeries, several relationships, and several opportunities is that here I am, writing a memoir with pertinent Scripture references to share with you (or whoever may be "my reader") some of the wonderful things I've learned along the way, whether new, confirmed or REaffirmed.

Will I get my message across? I don't know. However, I DO know that God's Word never returns to Him void. Never without having accomplished His will for that Word's purpose. God's Word - inspired by His Holy Spirit - will have its impact. Will touch a life, convict a soul of His righteousness and of a person's sin. Will lift up the faint-hearted. So in merely sharing His Word, my work here will accomplish HIS purpose. And that's good.

God provided the seed. Some of us pollenate, I guess, getting the message from place to place, some of us water it, and God causes it to grow.

butterfly and flowers

What will His Word accomplish for your soul?