“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

Bestselling Books? The Holy Bible Has Sixty-six

If you are looking for a bestselling book, you need look no further. I can link you to the number one bestselling book in the world, and you can read it for FREE. Legit!

Why? Because the author wants you to read it, and he's offered it without charge. Now, there are places you can find his book in a fancy cover, or with a special kind of paper for its pages, or having convenient study resources accompanying it (like maps, study guides, a concordance to help you find passages you know are in there but can't seem to locate, etc.), and if that is something you want, you might pay well for it. But the work itself is freely available! 

Sixty-six bestselling books in one, with countless copies sold/gifted

Almighty God's bestseller - the Holy Bible - has the answer for your problem. It doesn't matter who you are, where you live, how old you are, what ethnic background you come from, what you look like, who you support politically, or even what you've done - good or bad. The Bible is God's message to you, and His unique storyline can give you comfort and hope in the midst of what may seem like insurmountable circumstances.

There is a caveat, however. A little explanation I should give so that you will not misinterpret what I am saying. I am not saying that the Bible is a magic book which, as your eyes scan its pages, will miraculously take away your pain and make a delightful, easy _____ (fill in the blank) for you so you won't ever have to concern yourself with your past or future.

I am also not saying that if you read it once and then keep it in your home, say, in the bookshelf or on your coffee table for the rest of your life that you will reap wonderful benefits from it, as if it were a lucky charm. God's message doesn't work that way. It's meant to be consumed, digested, applied. God says His word is living and active! Ready to perform life-saving surgery on your spiritual heart. 

It is entirely within your own control as to whether you will benefit from reading it. You can definitely ignore or even despise the Bible's contents. You can find what appear to be contradictions in its pages, and you can refuse to believe its claim to be our Creator's perfect message to His human creation. All that is perfectly within your right and ability to do. 

Or you can choose to read it with an open mind, and try to understand this ancient book's message as it might apply to the world today. If you do, you'll find the whole Bible to be relevant still, in our days of technology, medical advancements, space travel, and any other breakthrough or other factor we could list.

How can He accomplish such an incredible feat?

One of the phenomena regarding the Bible is that it is really a collection of smaller bestselling books, which were written by about 40 men (as they were led by God's Spirit), from various places in the ancient world, and over the span of around 1,000 years. Men who were in high places of authority, men of low regard, shepherds, fishermen, builders, servants, rulers, historians, poets and song writers, philosophers, a physician, and even a transformed (read: former) terrorist.  Do you know of any other book anywhere which came to be in such a way? I challenge you to find one.