“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

Great news below!!

Love Your Neighbor: Buy a Book & Help Gain Someone's Freedom

I have two heavy burdens on my heart, and I believe God Almighty placed them there. I am using my knowledge, talents, skills, and opportunities to share - first and foremost, the good news that our Creator, who has every right to judge us by our sins, is a God of love and desires to show us mercy through the sacrificial blood of His Son, Jesus. He is willing to FORGIVE the debt of sin each of us has incurred! He has provided us with the way to freedom from our enslavement - slavery to sin!

The other heaviness in my heart is the fact that millions and millions of people like you and me are slaves, not necessarily to sin, but to evil men and women who have taken them captive and exploit them.

You have probably heard or read by now about "human trafficking." Modern slavery. The illegitimate  - and incredibly widespread practice of enslaving (and oftentimes exchanging for profit) people who, like you and me, are made in the image of Almighty God. 

Sometimes the enslaved person is compelled to serve the commands/desires of his or her captor(s) at a hotel, on a boat, or even in someone's home. At times, a victim of human trafficking is kept in a designated location where other criminals/traffickers can find him. Many times a victim of enslavement is moved from place to place, without her family knowing anything about her situation or whereabouts.

There are literally so many different scenarios in which women, children, and men find themselves trapped and exploited by one or more perpetrators, that they cannot all be listed here. The best I might do for our purpose here is to shed enough light on this abomination that you, my visitor, can have a truer understanding of the sinful practice of what is modern day slavery, and of the deceptive, coercive means by which exploiters gain power over their victims.

Purchasing a copy of our book, you automatically boost the results of our ministry! Et voila -- this becomes your ministry, too!!!

We can help - you, Karen, and I! What part can we play in changing this unprintable story?

Well, Karen and I can offer a percentage of every book's sale to non-profit organizations which we have researched and found to be committed, either to sharing the life-changing gospel of God's saving grace or to stopping human abuses wherever they can.  You can help rescue others - mainly women and children - from tyranny when you buy our book. Brave individuals who are serving as God's faithful servants in this effort get much needed funding; victims of hideous injustices get relief; unaware readers get information; you, Karen, and I get some blessings; and Almighty God gets the glory!

What will it take? Love, wisdom, prayer, and leadership.

Give your support with time, with money, with love...

In reality, by purchasing our two-part book (An Almighty God? Get Serious!/Trophies of Grace) you will automatically be doing all three! Here's how:

12.5% of this book's proceeds helps Faith Comes By Hearing as they record and freely provide Scripture in every language that needs it – having the year 2033 as its goal date. 

12.5% of this book's proceeds helps the Haitian Christian Foundation, whose mission it is “to prepare selected students to be servant evangelists to spread the gospel of Christ, and to minister to the needs of the Haitian people in the Spirit and likeness of Christ.” 

12.5% of this book's proceeds helps Exodus Cry, whose "strategies are designed to assist, empower, and help bring freedom to those who have been victimized [by the commercial sex industry], while also fighting to uproot the larger system of injustice and exploitation that made it possible."

The rest of this book's proceeds go to the authors. We are excited for this avenue of income, as God continues to provide for our needs in every way! 

We've launched the book, guys!!!! Thank you for being patient and hanging in there with us!

aag-tog cover

You can purchase it here or at B & N online, in hardcover, paperback, and eBook. Our book honoring our Creator is also available at Apple Books, Thriftbooks (beware of buying brand new books on Thriftbooks, though -- it ain't thrifty, just sayin), and another place or two -- including our own author bookstore.... 

If you're looking for the Kindle version of the eBook, it's at Amazon, while the Nook version of the eBook is available at Barnes & Noble online. On physical bookstore shelves soon!

Once you've read An Almighty God/ Trophies of Grace, please let us and others know what you think! {{Thank you!!}}