aag-tog cover

It's finally HERE, everyone!!!!! Thank you for waiting patiently with me! And, of course, if you've been keeping up, you know that, two years ago, I met a woman on a plane flight, who was also in the process of writing a memoir, and due to God's mysterious orchestration, we've joined forces and are now celebrating both stories inside of one cover!

You can preorder it here or at B & N online, in hardcover or paperback. If you're looking for the Kindle version of the eBook, it's at Amazon, while the Nook version of the eBook is available at Barnes & Noble online right now. You will soon be able to find An Almighty God? Get Serious! (Darlene Lamoureux [yours truly])/Trophies of Grace (Karen Hanson) at selected bookstores and retailers. I'll let you know as events unfold.... and you let us know what you think!

“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

My Book Honoring God

Is a book honoring God the same as a book about God? Not in my estimation. To me, there's a huge difference!

Honoring God entails praise, respect, and worshipful recognition of who He is and what He's done. It means an acknowledgement of God's power and sovereignty. And don't you think that such a book, by its very nature, will generate some real joy? Yes, I think that writing a book honoring God does all that, and then some.

Meanwhile, talking or writing about God, as an "outsider" looking on, at, or even in (which, by the way, necessitates being an insider) requires critical analysis, and that can be really good, right?

Offering an opinion or analysis pertaining to God can be based on God's own written word, and that makes the exercise good and worthwhile. We've got to take some care, though, don't we!

After all, seeking to know about our Creator without seeking the truth He's already revealed to us in scripture won't make us more knowledgeable about Him. In fact, a haphazard approach can actually impede the accuracy of our discoveries about God -- turning our understanding of him into mere conjecture....

Clearly, God can be honored in different ways...perhaps in as many ways as there are unique minds. But while a book honoring God must by necessity also be about God, the opposite isn't necessarily true. It's quite possible that a book can be about God -- for example, describing how the author perceives God's attributes, promises, decisions, claims, etc. -- yet bringing dishonor to His holy name.

woman holding up Bible

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Temporally speaking, I’ve been breathing eternal life for a long time now, and I'm excited to share some of the marvelous ways God has enhanced my life here in this earthly realm. Why? Because I know He enhances yours, too!! Do you see it?

My God never wavered in 1991 – He always satisfied my longing for reassurance, even when solace could very easily have dwindled during some long hours with beeping paraphernalia and sterilized furniture. In fact, He overdelivered!

An Almighty God? Get Serious! invites readers in about 35,000 words to reflect on the stable flow of comfort and hope which sustains believers… the same consolation that was mine throughout a life-changing hospital stay and beyond. 

The God of the Bible sees all, has prepared the way for us to find everlasting joy with Him, and guards the hearts and minds of those who refuse to be anxious about what He can manage on their behalf.

The Creator Himself has furnished us with insider instruction! My memoire shares His straightforward strategy: Seek respite from Him in constant, thankful worship. There is life in seeking His face through Bible study and prayer!

I am thankful for science, but since it isn’t (and wasn’t then) my main source of hope, the threats of paraplegia, quadriplegia, coma, and death didn’t pack as much punch as they could have.

Such peace in cruel times is not rational, but since we are ALL loved by the God who is almighty, ALL of us – through faith – can tap into that same merciful quietude. John 1:12 does say, after all, “as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become God's children, to those who believe in his name.”

So, as I understand this precious relationship He offers, there is no unique experience…no circumstances…no life-threatening brain tumor, abusive relationship, abandoned dream, or addiction that is able to quash the peace that He provides us in Christ Jesus. His peace is that powerful.

While I confess, confidence was sometimes elusive in those long corridors between scans and x-rays, I still knew by faith there was a solution for every dilemma. Not only that, but I could laugh about various aspects of my situation, which helped the whole process of healing along. Fellowship with the Creator/Great Physician lets you do that. Like He says: A cheerful heart makes good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones ~Proverbs 17:22).

So, this book wants to drive the message home: God is real. He’s alive, active, powerful. All-powerful. And kind. He gives peace. His peace is always available. Even in hardship. My story is not the only one presented in this book. Readers will find testimonies of The LORD’s best practices during sickness and health, heartache and pleasure – available to any and all of us when we get serious about Almighty God.

I hope you're one of those readers!

Why I feel this book honoring God must be published

Everyone should feel the peace and love only an Almighty God can offer, and we each can have both when we come to genuinely love God. Hopefully, by sharing some stories from my life, as well as from that of other believers I know, I can introduce someone to The Almighty God, who lives, and gives life.

This book is basically a collection of Scripture, thoughts, quotes, and personal experiences. I hope each reader, will see what I see… the committed, dynamic love that our Creator demonstrates to each of us constantly, in the hopes that we – with our freedom to choose our own destinies – will choose Him.

Could I inspire others to seek and find hope in Him, too? To admire God? To love Him? I want readers to catch a glimpse of God’s beauty in their own lives…of His sovereign power yet gentle care for each of them.

I feel that the world is at an all-time low, with much angst, fear, depression, hatred, and confusion, and the only way out of this turmoil is by knowing God, our almighty Creator.

Like the Spirit clarifies in the first chapter of Romans, we can know a lot about Almighty God – everything we need to know about Him, in fact – because He has made it all plain to us. Indeed, so much so, that He says we do not have an excuse for failing to recognize His eternal power and divine nature.

People who do not know God should be afraid!

People who deliberately deceive others to keep them from the truth about God should be afraid – very afraid! Their punishment starts in this life but won’t end here. Already, The Almighty is revealing His wrath “from Heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.”

But there’s HOPE!!

At the very same time, He is revealing His righteousness that comes by faith through the gospel of Jesus – His power for saving everyone who believes!

My main goal in sharing my story (which is at times uncomfortable for me, since I have always been a very private person) is to bring glory to God, by sharing specific ways in which I recognized His omnipotence and off-the-charts love as I faced a major health crisis.

My second goal (which goes hand-in-hand with my main goal) is to guide readers toward faith in Him... whether that means deeper, stronger, more rousing, more genuine, more poignant, or even brand new faith.

 Like I said before, I hope you'll be one of those readers! May your faith be blessed, in the name of Christ Jesus.