“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

How Does the mRNA "Vaccine" Work, Anyway?

how does mrna vaccine work - This is a very popular search term. Says something to us, doesn't it!

So, yeah.... what is mRNA technology, and how does it work?

Are you wondering, as so many of the rest of the world are, how these so called vaccines are supposed to keep us from... well, first, it was "from catching" COVID-19. Then it was to minimize the agony and effects of the fearsome sounding CO(rona) VI(rus) D(isease), which was initially presented in 2019.

When it was proven in this enormous, uncontrolled, world-wide human trial/study that it does neither of those things, we were told the mRNA shot (with multiple boosters throughout our lifetimes) would keep us "from spreading" the virus.

I'm sure you already know, deep down, that you are not alone - almost no one really understands how this (ahem) "vaccine" works. Let's take a look.

WARNING! The spike protein injections, popularly known as "vaccines," DO NOT work as promised. They neither prevent nor reduce the effects of Covid-19. Rather, they are dangerous.

Christiane Northrup, M.D. graduated from Dartmouth Medical School and completed her residency at Tufts New England Medical Center in Boston. She is a board-certified OB/GYN physician, who served as an assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN at Maine Medical Center for 20 years. Dr. Northrup is respected internationally for her writing, and in this video, you see her presenting vital information about the gene therapy injections which are being pushed as vaccines by Dr. Fauci, and key medical organizations around the world (i.e. World Health Organization [WHO], National Institutes of Health [NIH], Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], and others). Please pay close attention to the material she presents.

This video offers basic information you need to know in order to make a discernment-based choice, as you consider whether or not you will make the irreversible decision to be injected with any of the mRNA technology “vaccines,” which are not true vaccines, but are untested, illegal, and dangerous injections of toxic materials. For the sake of your own health, and the health of those people you love, please let this short video serve to help you open your eyes and become aware of the very real dangers of accepting the Moderna, Pfizer, J & J, Astra Zeneca, and other synthetic spike protein shots.

Still wondering - how does the mRNA vaccine work? Also wondering WHY the mRNA "vaccine" even exists?

I am positive that you know you are not alone.

And while I can't give you all the answers, I can lead you to the Truth.