“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

What Do I Mean, Anti-Human Trafficking? Well, Remember Harriet Tubman?

To be anti-human trafficking is to be anti-slavery. Yes, slavery still exists, and it comes in many forms. 

Thank God for organizations like Polaris, which exists specifically in order to fight sex and labor trafficking on a massive scale. Polaris draws its name from the North Star, which served as a navigation guide for people escaping slavery in the United States.

Did you know there are 25 million people in the world today who do not have a say about how they live...where they call home...how they work? Someone else decides all that "for" them. They can't choose the people they spend each day with, or when they can rest. Some do not know when they will eat again. The freedoms and privileges most of us take for granted - as if they will always be available to us - are, to many, unimaginable.

Not only so, but these people, held in bondage, are victimized in additional ways. Ways most of us can never imagine. Ways none of us want to imagine. This is why I thank God for brave people who band together to change the course of abuse and degradation for others. With Almighty God leading us, our efforts can only be successful.

Using data gleaned from nine years of their National Human Trafficking Hotline calls, along with guidance from survivors, Polaris built the largest known U.S. database of actual trafficking experiences.  This 501(c)3 nonprofit's research team was able to develop a classification system with which they identified 25 types of human trafficking taking place in the United States.

What is meant by anti-human trafficking...

There is an ever-increasing number of anti-human trafficking organizations, who use information such as what Polaris provides, work alongside other groups to find and destroy hidden human trafficking operations. Some operations have members who actually go into the field and snatch victims away from their tormentors.

There are legitimate organizations out there doing meaningful work...whether they are instrumental in freeing young people taken by kidnapping, indebted families trapped in slavery camps,  or other victims who, regardless of age, race, or gender, have fallen prey to an individual predator or a coalition of unscrupulous and morally depraved individuals. 

Here is a short list of others in the fight against the unlawful and disgraceful practice of exploiting persons for personal gain (Sensitivity Warning>> the following people are exposing some horrific but necessary information, which is hard to fathom, please view with discretion.) He who has ears, let him hear:

Investigative Journalist Lara Logan

Investigative Journalist Liz Crokin

Hollywood Celebrity Blake Lively, Advocate for the Child Rescue Coalition

Each of us - he, and she, and you, and I - we can all help disrupt and prevent human trafficking. Each of us has a part to play to free the victims of human trafficking. To be a conduit for God's love to those who are still vulnerable and cannot free themselves. We must refuse to turn a blind eye!

Join the fight! What skills do you have? What can you do well? What talent are you willing to use? Do you have specialized knowledge you can share? 
Let's END human trafficking! Let's go!!