“Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God.”   ~ 1 Corinthians 2:12

Who Wants Accountability?


The whole world wants justice. Our Creator wants us to seek justice, and mix in mercy

Why? Because justice and mercy are His defining attributes... together, they equal love.

Accountability comes into play because our Creator (God) - being altogether just - must hold each of us accountable for our individual wrongdoing, even while His mercy has also made the way for us to be released from our guilt and have a new start!

The story of Jesus is both beautiful and wonderful.

God made us in His image, and when we decided we could do just fine following our own cognitive persuasions and emotional wills (effectively installing a chasm between Him and ourselves), our Father God proved His merciful kindness in sending to earth the very radiance of His glory.

The exact representation of His own nature came to spend time with us, and having been born in a miraculous way (fulfilling what was prophesied about Him in the Scriptures), God the Son lived humbly among people (fulfilling what was prophesied about Him in the Scriptures).

Jesus, the Son, showed us how to live, and (in the prime of His physical life, no less) died willingly -- an atonement for us, something we could never obtain for ourselves.

Of course, even this awe-inspiring truth couldn't merit our eternal gratitude and praise if He had not conquered the grave as He did, and by rising again, proven His claim:

that through Him we have the right to be reconciled to Him who created us!

Of course, since each one of us has the God-given freedom to make our own choices while here on earth, your decision regarding the hope of being shown mercy though deserving justice (aka reconciliation to God... redemption from your sins... eternal life) - might be very different from mine. Just always keep this in mind: justice and mercy can only be possible when wrongdoers are held accountable.

So, why is accountability so important?

Without accountability, a sinner will not understand his fate. Without mercy, a sinner will not see the kingdom of God.

Seems negative on the surface, doesn't it. Well then, let's look at this same claim in a positive light, hence with the hope we're all desperate for.... here is the exact same truth, stated a different way: 

With accountability - that is, when a person who is guilty of unrighteousness is held accountable for his actions, the wrongdoer can then understand why he deserves his sentence (justice). Yet, when a person guilty of unrighteousness is offered mercy, he can choose to take part in God's kingdom instead of having to serve his just sentence of eternal separation from God! 

Thinking about accountability on the world stage... among the elite... politicians... celebrities... religious leaders..., what do you see?

I see an enormous and disgusting lack of accountability. Do you see it, too?

Rather than point out the instances of injustice and moral decline, I have decided on focusing my attention on solutions, and on those individuals I see who are doing something in order to turn these social ills around for the better. (I'm especially delighted when I see people whose action-taking stems from their faith in God, through Jesus Christ!)

If you crave a better world while we are still here on earth, you will probably be inspired, or at least encouraged, by the following!

 Eric Zemmour, candidate for 2022